Weekend with my children

It was one of those spur of the moment things on Sunday evening. I had been watching this tree on this hill for several seasons and visualizing a portrait session here. It's just at the top of the hill above the house where Austin and Hailey live so I had passed it many times.  We talked about shooting here, and we had been talking about a session... soon.  It's a busy time of year around here so it's hard for us to connect our schedules sometimes, even though we only live 10 minutes apart.  But the call came in on Sunday evening... the light was right, the clouds were glorious.. let's do it.. now. So I jumped in my truck and buzzed up the hill to capture these images. The only downside was the weather. It was windy as you can see, but the wind was out of the north at about 25 mpi and it was barely 50 degrees. We were all kind of cold, but we pulled off some good shots anyway. Thanks to Austin and Hailey for getting out there.  Love these pics and I love these people.
