Molly and Terry's wedding ( Newton County Arkansas Wedding Photographer)
Deep in the woods in Newton County, Arkansas lies a little community by the name of Murray. Molly and Terry decided to come here to be married on May 21, 2011 and they invited me to be there to capture their small ceremony in the woods at Beyond Reality Cabin. With their loved ones in attendance Molly and Terry exchanged vows and involved the entire family in the ceremony. I love to work at home in Newton County so it was a very special opportunity for me. Everyone in this family is so kind and caring. Even Terry's twin brother, Thomas, officiated the ceremony.
Molly and Terry enjoy this sneak peek at your images. I have so many to choose from and they are all great!
Part of the ceremony involved a "lemonade unity". Terry placed lemon juice in the mix to represent the sometimes sour times in a marriage and Molly added sugar to the mix to represent the sweet times in a marriage. They served up some lemonade to everyone and shared a toast.
I have always been amazed by the bond between twins and it is so evident here as you can see in the family photo below.
One that I always count as an important photograph to capture, father and daughter sharing a moment following a wedding ceremony. It's one of my most cherished photos from my own wedding in the woods in Newton County.
What a beautiful day for a beautiful couple. Best wishes to you, both!